Friday, July 09, 2004

The Pitfalls of Tactical CRM

  • CRM as a sales tool. I see you bought this, would you like this - NO GO AWAY. 
  • CRM fails to hide the organizational mess that hides behind the call centre. 
  • Anything not in their script they are unable to handle. 
  • Call centre rarely seems empowered. Staff bear the brunt of complaints they can do nothing about.
  • Large companies and virtual enterprises have multiple unconnected call centres. (Only adds to the problem rather than solving it.) 
  • CRM as customer surveillance - fosters the illusion that the database contains the Whole Truth about customers 
  • Thus instead of promoting better relationships with the customer, CRM becomes a bureaucratic obsession with the content of the customer database.

Originally posted at

With input from Lawrence Wilkes

For more on CRM see

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