There are certainly some IT analysts who blog, including myself (in this blog, and in my SOA blog). I always look at Redmonk (James Governer and Stephen O'Grady) and Telepocalypse (Martin Geddes). Other IT analysts (including my CBDI colleague David Sprott) produce free email newsletters and/or weekly news roundups.
Update: Feedburner GIF images added
There are good bloggers at many of the major vendors, including HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and Sun. (However, I've lost track of the following bloggers: Pat Helland now with Google, Edwin K now with Oracle, Ed Ozzie now with Microsoft.) Bloggers at the major vendors are careful to respect blogging etiquette. There are also many small vendors with good blogs (too many to list here). Most of these are clear about their affiliation, and respectful of blogging etiquette.
In the past, some vendors have discouraged blogging. As a result, many vendor employees have started blogging on personal or third-party websites, in some cases with concealed identity. However, this can lead to irresponsible behaviour on the part of the bloggers.
What I really object to is when vendors falsely pose as independent experts. For example, IT ToolBox provides a platform for people with hidden agendas providing shallow negative reviews of major vendors. "I used to be a fan of ... but I think they've lost direction with the latest release of ..." The contributors' names and affiliations are not presented openly on these reviews, but can sometimes be discovered by navigating to a separate page, where some of them turn out to be senior management of rival vendors.
Recent victims of this treatment include Iona and Oracle. (See retort by Iona).
I just hope that the Internet readership can tell the difference between proper industry analysis and casual/biased opinion.
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